Avīci: Understanding the Buddhist Concept of the Realm of Uninterrupted Suffering

avici hell

Avīci is a term from Buddhism that refers to the lowest and most intense level of the Buddhist hell. It is also known as the “uninterrupted hell” or “endless suffering.” In Buddhist belief, it is the place where the worst kinds of evil-doers are sent after death, where they experience unending and excruciating pain without … 阅读更多

Things You Would Not Know About Buddha & Stupa

Buddhism Stupa

A Stūpa is a mound-like or hemispherical structure containing relics like śarīra, typically the remains of Buddhist monks or nuns) that is used as a place of meditation. In Sanskrit, “stupa” means heap. At its simplest, a stupa is a dirt burial mound faced with stone, a place of burial or a receptacle for religious … 阅读更多

Unlocking the Power of Dhāraṇī: A Guide to Buddhist Incantations and Chants


Discovering the World of Gandharva: Mythology, Music, and Spirituality

In Buddhism, Gandharvas are one of the six classes of beings in the realm of desire. They are celestial beings who are associated with music and dance and are often depicted as having wings and playing instruments. According to Buddhist mythology, they inhabit the heavens and enjoy the pleasures of music, dance, and sensual indulgences. … 阅读更多


《禮拜》 凡禮拜時,必須先並足正身,合掌俯首,以手提起衣服,先以右膝著地、次下左膝,以二肘著地,舒二掌過額,承空示有接足之敬。 《頂禮式》 直立合掌當胸,二足跟相離約二寸,前足頭分開約八寸,成八字形,故名前八後二。 將頂禮時,右手先下,左手合掌,腰幹徐徐彎下,同時兩腿屈下、令兩膝靠著拜墊邊。 蹲下時,右手先著拜墊,再將左手放於拜墊上,較右手略前,然後將右手移上一手,再將左手移前半手、與右手相齊。 然後將兩手翻轉,手掌朝上,同時將頭著墊在兩手中間,名曰「頭面接足禮」。 拜下去時注意臀部勿翹高,應以可碰到腳根為標準。 《頂禮起身式》 頂禮畢,起身時,將兩手翻轉,同時抬頭起身,先將右手縮回半手,再將左手縮回一手。 起身時,將右手撐在拜墊上,令身起立,同時將左手提起當胸,再將右手提起,合掌直立。
