
Unveiling the Majesty of Garuda: The Legendary Protector in Buddhism



The origin of Garuḍa is narrated in the Hindu epic “Mahabharata” and the Puranas. He was born as the son of sage Kashyapa and Vinata, the mother of birds. Garuḍa’s siblings include Aruna, the charioteer of the Sun god Surya, and the serpents Nagas.


Buddhism believes that Garuḍa is one of the Eight Great Nagas that protect the Buddha. It has various majestic features, a golden body, and a head adorned with a wish-fulfilling jewel. Its cry sounds sorrowful, and every day, it devours one Naga king and five hundred poisonous snakes. As toxic gases accumulate within its body, Garuḍa eventually becomes unable to eat. After flying up and down seven times, it flies to Mount Vajra, where the poisonous gases ignite, and its entire body self-immolates, leaving behind only a pure blue crystal heart.

There are countless Garuḍa beings in the world, and they are governed by four great Garuḍa kings known as Veṇateya, Mahākāya, Mahāmāna, and Cintāmaṇi.

Additionally, Garuḍa is one of the protective deities of Avalokiteśvara (Guan Yin). The manifestation of Avalokiteśvara is manifold, and it can also appear in the form of Garuḍa. In the system of Vajrayana (Tantric Buddhism), Garuḍa (Tibetan: khyung) serves as the mount of the Buddha Akshobhya in the northern direction. Garuḍa has a human face and a bird’s body, symbolizing the king of Dharma who attracts all beings, leading them to ultimate realization.

In Jainism, Garuḍa is known as “Garuda Yaksha” and is considered one of the powerful yaksha deities. He is also depicted as a bird-like creature with human characteristics.

在艺术表现中,迦楼罗通常以半人半鸟或全鸟形象出现。 半人半鸟的情况下,鸟身肚脐以下是鹰的形象,肚脐以上则借用天王的外形,只有嘴如鹰喙。 面呈忿怒状,露牙齿,头戴尖顶宝冠,双发披肩,身披璎珞天衣,手戴环钏,通身金色。身后两翅红色,向外展开,其尾下垂,散开。泰国国徽、蒙古国首都乌兰巴托市徽上的迦楼罗就是此形象。而在中国中原地区的佛教寺庙中,迦楼罗常常以观世音化身之一的身份出现在供奉观音的圆通宝殿中,全身白袍,人形,唯面部尖喙,仍是鹰形。 全鸟形则通身如鸟。在中国西南地区,迦楼罗往往以金鸡形象出现,立于塔顶,另外,印度尼西亚国徽上的迦楼罗也是全鸟形象。
