Buddhism Vajrapani

Vajrapāṇi – The Powerful Protector in Buddhism | History and Meaning

金刚手菩萨(梵语:वज्रपाणि, Vajrapāṇi, 藏文:ཕྱག་ན་རྡོ་རྗེ།,藏语拼音:phyag na rdo rje),又称金刚手秘密主、金刚上首、执金刚秘密主、执金刚菩萨、秘密主、密迹金刚、金刚密迹主菩萨等,是佛教极乐世界“无量寿佛”眷属的八大菩萨(观音菩萨、弥勒菩萨、虚空藏菩萨、普贤菩萨、金刚手菩萨、文殊菩萨、地藏菩萨、除盖障菩萨)之一,右手持金刚杵之相,象征「坚固不坏之菩提心」,是大势至菩萨化身的忿怒相。


Vajrapāṇi is also revered in Tibetan Buddhism as a guardian of the teachings and a protector against negative forces. In Vajrayana Buddhism, he is often associated with the practice of tantra and is believed to embody the transformative power of the teachings. His mantra, “oṃ vajrapāṇi hūṃ,” is widely recited in Buddhist practice and is believed to help practitioners overcome obstacles and achieve enlightenment.
