Discovering the Sacred Seven Day Buddhas of Myanmar: A Guide to Birth Day Worship and Blessings at Shwedagon Pagoda

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The “Seven Day Buddhas” is a concept found in Myanmar (formerly Burma) and other Theravada Buddhist countries, reflecting a deep intertwining of Buddhism with astrology and local beliefs. This concept assigns a specific Buddha image or posture to each day of the week, and it is believed that the Buddha image corresponding to the day … 阅读更多

Twenty-Eight Great Yaksha Generals

The Yakshas are a class of nature spirits or deities who are often considered protectors of natural treasures and guardians of the Dharma in the Buddhist tradition. These generals are depicted as fierce warriors who serve under the command of various higher deities, such as the Four Heavenly Kings, to protect the Buddhist law and … 阅读更多
