毗舍遮 – piśāca

Buddhism Pisaca

毗舍遮(梵语:पिशाच,转写:piśāca),又作毗舍闍(毗舍阇)、毕舍遮、辟舍柘、臂奢柘等,印度神话中以尸体和人的精气为食的恶鬼,又称癫鬼(颠鬼)、癫狂鬼(颠狂鬼)、啖精鬼、食精气鬼,或食尸者、食血肉鬼、餐尸者(梵语:क्रव्याद,转写: Kravyād)等。女性的毕舍遮被称为“毕舍质”(piśācī)。 佛教认为毕舍遮是饿鬼道众生之一,有学者认为薛荔多鬼和饿鬼的名称都由它衍生而来。 《大毗婆沙论》认为毗舍遮拥有畜生外相故属于畜生道。 毕舍遮是四大天王持国天王的部属。在藏传佛教密宗理论中,毕舍遮位于现图胎藏曼荼罗外院之南,形如饿鬼,手持人的残肢、或“劫波罗”(Kapala,髑髅)。 Pishachas (Sanskrit: पिशाच, Piśāca) are flesh-eating demons in Hindu theology. Theology describes them as the sons of either Krodha (figuratively “Anger”) or as Dakṣa’s daughter Piśāca. They have been described to bulging veins and protruding, red eyes. They are believed to have their own languages, known as Paiśāci. According to … 阅读更多

部多那 – bhūtana

Buddhism Bhutana

富单那(梵语、巴利语:bhūtana或bhūta、bhūtaḥ,印地语:bhūt,藏语:’byung po,义为已生的、存在、众生、鬼等;一说作pūtana、pūtanaḥ,藏语:srul po,义为臭秽、热臭、臭者),又作布单那、布怛那、富多那、富多罗、富陀那、补单那,意译臭饿鬼、热病鬼、灾怪鬼(怪、恠通用)等; 印度神话中的一类鬼,佛教认为是饿鬼道众生中福最胜者,是四大天王所统帅的八部鬼众之一,即广目天王的眷属,或持国天王的眷属。

罗刹 – Rākṣasa

Buddhism Raksasa

罗刹(梵语:राक्षस,转写:Rākṣasa,巴利语:Rakkhasa),又作罗刹姿、罗叉娑、罗刹娑、罗乞察娑、阿落刹娑等,意译为可畏、速疾鬼、护者。罗刹女称罗叉私、罗刹斯(梵语:Rākṣasī)。 印度教神话体系中一种常见的鬼神(其他鬼神包括阿修罗和毕舍遮等),在佛教中被归属于饿鬼道中的有福德、威神力的强大鬼,为四大天王多闻天王的手下,也是密宗十二天中西南方的护法神,称为罗刹天,别名涅哩底(梵语:Nairṛtī,巴利语:Nirṛti),又作泥哩底王、祢哩底王。

药叉 – Yakṣa

Buddhism Yaksa

药叉又名夜叉(梵语:यक्ष,转写:Yakṣa;巴利语:यक्ख,转写:yakkha),又译为药叉,本义「以鬼为食的神」,佛教中属于鬼道,意译为「能啖鬼」、「捷疾鬼」、「勇健」、「轻捷」等。女性夜叉,称夜叉女(梵语:yakṣī或yakṣiṇī,巴利语:yakkhī或yakkhinī)。 佛教认为夜叉有三种,《维摩经》注:“什曰:夜叉有三种:一、在地,二、在空虚,三、天夜叉也。”在佛教中,北方毗沙门天王即率领夜叉八大将,“维护众生界”。愿意护持佛教的夜叉神称为执金刚神,领袖是密迹金刚。著名的夜叉王有十二药叉大将。 投生到夜叉身的因缘,是过去行布施,或常先损害后再利益他人,而得的果报。

Understanding (Koti): The Significance of Vast Numbers in Buddhist Texts


In Buddhist literature, the term 俱胝 (pronounced “Jùzhī” in Chinese and “Koti” in Sanskrit) refers to a large numerical unit, often translated as “ten million” or “one crore.” This term is frequently used in Buddhist scriptures to convey vast quantities, particularly in the context of time, merit, or the number of beings. The concept of … 阅读更多

The Five Superknowledges (Abhijñā): Mastering the Mystical Powers in Buddhism

five superknowledges

In Buddhist tradition, the Five Superknowledges (五神通, pronounced “Wǔ Shéntōng”) refer to extraordinary spiritual abilities that are attained through deep meditation and advanced spiritual practice. These supernormal powers, known as Abhijñā in Sanskrit and Pali, are considered mystical capabilities that arise from the cultivation of samadhi (deep concentration) and are often associated with the attainment … 阅读更多

The Ten Grounds : Stages of the Bodhisattva Path to Enlightenment

dasa bhumi

In Mahayana Buddhism, the Ten Grounds (十地, pronounced “Shí Dì”), also known as Daśa-bhūmi in Sanskrit, represent the ten progressive stages on the path of a Bodhisattva toward full enlightenment and Buddhahood. Each ground or stage marks a significant level of spiritual development, where the Bodhisattva cultivates increasingly profound wisdom, compassion, and skillful means to … 阅读更多

The Path to Nirvana: Exploring the Four Stages of Enlightenment

four stage of enlightenment

The Four Stages of Enlightenment, known as “四向四果” in Chinese, represent a key concept in Theravada Buddhism, outlining the progressive stages that a practitioner passes through on the path to Nirvana. These stages are significant as they mark the gradual purification of the mind and the diminishing of suffering and defilements. Let’s explore each stage … 阅读更多

Caturaśītisahasra dharmaskandha – Eighty Four Thousand Topics of the Dharma

eight four thousands dharma

Caturaśītisahasra dharmaskandha is a term from Buddhist scriptures that refers to the “Eighty Four Thousand Topics of the Dharma” or “Eighty Four Thousand Dharma Topics.” It is a collection of teachings attributed to the Buddha, encompassing a wide range of topics related to Buddhist philosophy, ethics, meditation, and practical guidance for leading a virtuous life. … 阅读更多

The Seven Treasures: Symbols of Spiritual Wealth in Buddhism

Buddhism Seven Treasure

In Buddhism, the concept of the Seven Treasures (七宝, pronounced “Qī Bǎo”) represents a collection of precious items that symbolize various aspects of spiritual wealth and virtue. These treasures are not merely material objects but carry deep symbolic meanings, reflecting the qualities and attributes that are cultivated on the path to enlightenment. The Seven Treasures … 阅读更多
