avici hell

Avīci: Understanding the Buddhist Concept of the Realm of Uninterrupted Suffering


成论明五无间: 一、趣果无间,舍身生报故。 二、受苦无间,中无乐故。 三、时无间,定一劫故。 四、命无间,中不绝故。 五、形无间,如阿鼻纵广八万由旬,一人多人皆遍满故。 此五无间,乃造五逆业者报之。

The beings in Avīci are believed to be constantly tortured by a variety of unimaginable means, such as being burned, cut, beaten, and crushed. It is considered one of the most terrifying and painful realms of existence in Buddhist cosmology.


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