Learn About Upāsikā: Female Buddhist Practitioners – Origins, Roles, and Practices

Upāsikā is a term used in Buddhism to refer to a female lay practitioner, who is a devout supporter and follower of the Buddha’s teachings.

In Sanskrit, the term is “Upāsikā,” which means “female practitioner.” Upāsikās were highly respected and played an important role in the growth and spread of Buddhism, both during the Buddha’s lifetime and after his passing.


《巴利律藏大品》(Mahā-vagga),谓优婆夷始于智度耶舍之母,耶舍的母亲皈依佛陀,成为佛教史上第一位优婆夷。 《华严疏》六十二曰:“亲近比丘尼而承事故。”即在俗之信女。

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