六波罗蜜 – ṣaḍ paramita

It is a term from Mahayana Buddhism and is commonly known as the “Six Perfections” or “Six Paramitas” in English. These six practices are considered essential virtues that Mahayana practitioners aim to cultivate on their path towards enlightenment and Bodhisattvahood. The Six Perfections are as follows:

  1. 布施波罗蜜 (Bù Shī Bō Luó Mì) – The Perfection of Giving: This refers to the practice of generosity, selflessly giving to others, and sharing one’s resources to benefit all sentient beings.
  2. 持戒波罗蜜 (Chí Jiè Bō Luó Mì) – The Perfection of Ethical Conduct: This involves observing precepts and living a moral and disciplined life, refraining from harmful actions and cultivating positive behavior.
  3. 忍辱波罗蜜 (Rěn Rǔ Bō Luó Mì) – The Perfection of Patience: This emphasizes the cultivation of patience and tolerance in the face of difficulties, adversity, and provocations without anger or resentment.
  4. 精进波罗蜜 (Jīng Jìn Bō Luó Mì) – The Perfection of Diligence: This involves putting forth sincere effort, enthusiasm, and diligence in one’s practice of the Dharma and the pursuit of enlightenment.
  5. 禅定波罗蜜 (Chán Dìng Bō Luó Mì) – The Perfection of Meditation: This refers to the practice of cultivating deep concentration and mental stability through meditation, leading to insight and wisdom.
  6. 智慧波罗蜜 (Zhì Huì Bō Luó Mì) – The Perfection of Wisdom: This is the highest and most profound of the perfections, representing the cultivation of transcendent wisdom and the direct realization of the true nature of reality, often associated with the study and contemplation of Mahayana Buddhist texts like the Prajnaparamita Sutras.

By practicing these Six Perfections, Buddhists seek to purify their minds, develop virtues, and accumulate positive merits to benefit all beings and progress on the path of enlightenment.

六波罗蜜,菩萨欲成佛道应当修行的六种行持。分别为布施波罗蜜(檀波罗蜜)、持戒波罗蜜(尸波罗蜜)、忍辱波罗蜜(羼提波罗蜜)、精进波罗蜜(毗离耶波罗蜜)、禅波罗蜜、般若波罗蜜。 波罗蜜为梵语音译,意为渡彼岸。 渡彼岸者,由以妄为我,随心四相流转造作恶业,身处苦海而不自知的状态脱离,恢复本有的觉知、慈悲、以及功德,大悲普施疗苦众生无有疲厌。 如《妙法莲华经》:“为求声闻者说应四谛法,度生老病死,究竟涅槃;为求辟支佛者说应十二因缘法;为诸菩萨说应六波罗蜜,令得阿耨多罗三藐三菩提,成一切种智。” 六波罗蜜高度概括了菩萨修行的各个方面,所以又称六度万行。菩萨修行六度不能离开慈悲心,所以佛当年先讲四无量心,而后宣讲六波罗蜜。而修行般若波罗蜜又不能离开前五度,否则即是断学般若。佛在多部经中反复告诫切不可断学般若,果报在三恶道。


Sad Paramita Dana

布施(檀波罗密、檀那波罗密):指把自身所拥有或所知道的施予他人。除了财物的布施 (财布施) 外,还包括佛法的传扬 (法布施) 和消除恐惧 (无畏布施)。长养慈悲心。能除去五毒中的“贪”。




忍辱(羼提波罗密)《金刚经》:「须菩提!忍辱波罗密,如来说非忍辱波罗密,是名忍辱波罗密。」包括生忍和法忍:其为菩萨能忍受一切有情侮辱而不生瞋业《金刚经》:“知一切法无我,得成于忍。”,以及外界的寒热饥渴等《出六度集经》:“忍辱有二种。一者生忍。谓于恭敬供养中。不生憍逸。于嗔骂打害中。不生怨恨也。二者法忍。谓于寒热风雨饥渴等法恼害之时。能安能忍。” 。 《遗教经》:“能行忍者,乃可为有力大人。若其不能欢喜忍受恶骂之毒,如饮甘露者,不名入道智慧人也。”能除去五毒中的“瞋”。南传菩萨道亦译为“忍耐”。




禅定(禅度波罗密、禅那波罗密):心无杂念,不为俗物迷惑颠倒。禅定能对治散乱。 南传菩萨道据《根本说一切有部毗奈耶药事》有禅定,现代一般无禅定,替之以“出离”。



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