From Suffering to Nirvana: Embracing Spiritual Freedom in Buddhism

buddhism nirvana

In Buddhism, Nirvana is indeed considered the ultimate spiritual goal. It is often described as a state of liberation or enlightenment, where one is released from the cycle of rebirth and suffering in samsara. In the Buddhist understanding, samsara refers to the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth, which is characterized by suffering and dissatisfaction. … Read more

What is nāga In Buddhism Context?

Buddhism Naga

Naga in Sanskrit means “serpent”, is a member of a class of mythical semi-divine beings, half human and half cobra. They are a strong, handsome species who can assume either wholly human or wholly serpentine form and are potentially dangerous but often beneficial to humans. However, the term nāga is not strictly used, sometimes it … Read more

The Eight Legions that Protects The Dharma – Aṣṭasenā

Buddhism Astasena

天龙八部(梵语:Aṣṭasenā;标准藏语:lha srin sde brgyad),是佛教概念,指佛教护法神队伍中以天、龙为首的八种神话种族,包含天众、龙众、夜叉、犍闼婆、阿修罗、迦楼罗、紧那罗、摩睺罗迦。因八部以「天众」和「龙众」为首,故称「天龙八部」[1],又称龙神八部、八部鬼神、八部众、八部神将、天龙八将等。金庸曾以此为名,写成小说《天龙八部》 。

Vajrapāṇi – The Powerful Protector in Buddhism | History and Meaning

Buddhism Vajrapani

Vajrapāṇi is a significant figure in Buddhism, particularly in Mahayana and Vajrayana traditions. He is commonly depicted as a wrathful and powerful bodhisattva who embodies the energy of the enlightened mind, which is necessary for the attainment of enlightenment. The name Vajrapāṇi means “vajra in hand,” and he is often shown holding a vajra or … Read more

Brahmins in Ancient India: Guardians of Culture, Religion, and Knowledge


In the context of Buddhism, Brahmins refer to a social and religious group that played a significant role during the time of the historical Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama. The term “Brahmin” in Buddhism is used to denote members of the Brahmin caste, who were traditionally associated with priestly functions and ritual practices in ancient Indian society. … Read more

比丘 – bhikṣu

Buddhism Bhiksu

比丘( 梵语:भिक्षु,转写:bhikṣu,巴利语:bhikkhu),佛教术语,又译为苾刍、苾礇、碹刍、备刍、比呼、比库,意译为乞士、乞士男、除士、薰士、破烦恼、除馑、怖魔。佛教受具足戒之后的男性出家众,称为比丘。对应的女性出家众称为比丘尼),比丘与比丘尼合称出家二众,为佛教四众、五众或七众之一。汉地居民通常以和尚或沙门来作为比丘的通称。 比丘是梵语之译,其义有五种,其中“破恶(破烦恼)、怖魔、乞士”称为“比丘三义”,另两个意思是指“出家人”和“净持戒” 。其中的“乞士”就是乞求的人。 在佛陀时代,出家人以解脱为志,专职从事心灵解脱,不事劳作,不作炊饮,以乞食为生,但佛陀戒律亦规定乞不过七家,“上从如来乞法以练神,下就俗人乞食以资身”,一心只为了修法证法解脱三界束缚。 《巴利律藏》将比丘分类成数种,「乞食名比丘,持钵行乞为比丘,穿破衣为比丘,有名无实的比丘,假冒的比丘,一来的比丘,三皈依受戒的比丘,圣贤的比丘,本质是比丘,有学的比丘,无学的比丘,依和合僧,白四羯摩,无异议通过受具,即此处所谓的比丘。」 因未满二十岁而未受具足戒的男性佛教僧侣称为沙弥,只需受十戒;但在满二十岁受具足戒之后,上座部比丘要遵守二百二十七条比丘戒,法藏部比丘要遵守二百五十条比丘戒。

大声闻 – Śrāvaka

Buddhism Sravaka

佛教术语,是以佛陀为师,遵从佛陀的言传身教,持戒修行证得沙门果的人。根據巴利聖典《中部·基多山經》,佛陀將修行者分成如下七類賢聖。按巴利三藏《長部·沙門果經》等记载,聲聞又可依据不同果位分为四向四果。 七類賢者 隨信行人:一些人不能親證各種寂靜的無色界解脫,不能以慧見盡除各種漏,但對如來有一定稱度的尊敬,因此他們將會有信根,精進根,念根,定根,慧根。 隨法行人:一些人不能親身證悟各種寂靜的無色界解脫,不能以慧見盡除各種漏,他們智慧雖然不銳利,但對如來講授的法能清楚理解,因此他們將會有信根,精進根,念根,定根,慧根。 信解脫人:一些人不能親證各種寂靜的無色界解脫,但他們有慧見,盡除了一些漏;他們對如來建立一份有根基、堅固的敬信。 見到人:一些人不能親證各種寂靜的無色界解脫,能以智慧透徹了解和深入觀察。 身證人:一些人親證各種寂靜的無色界解脫,安住在證悟之中,他們有慧見,盡除了一些漏。 慧解脫人:一些人不能親證各種寂靜的無色界解脫,但有慧見而得漏盡。 俱解脫人:一些人親身觸證各種寂靜的無色界解脫,安住在證悟之中,及有慧見而得漏盡。
